Are you awake?

I was going to write an in-depth article on something that had been revealed to me. Act like a investigative journalist then I realised two things 1) I was procrastinating and 2) I am not a reporter I'm a concerned parent.

So last week  I  heard  how the Lambeth  borough  council had been challenged about its plans to close libraries in the area. Libraries that are being used.  Young people and people of all ages in the borough need a place with resources and books. To study,  access information and use as a hub. What had been focused upon  was the apparent lack of  consultation that appeared not to have taken place yet it was alleged the council had already given the nod to change these library buildings into gyms and signed , or promised to sign, the building over with a 25 year leases! Those at this meeting did not vote to support the councils plans.

So as you can imagine that fact that this was defeated in this meeting was not a good sign. This has revealed a deep unrest/ split within the local Labour party. Lines have been drawn between those on the left and those on the right.  Left looking at what is good for the community and local people while the right are more concerned with money and power (that is my basic take on it).  They will say it's progress  but the questions will always  be at what cost and who really benefits?

As a mother with children I want libraries.  Schools are not able to provide it all. We need other 'learning  hubs'  within our local landscape. Not all of us can buy the latest mod cons. There always seems to be a fight between what is said and what is done. Let me be a little clearer.  The recent changes to British  GCSE exams has implied more focus on children reading (amongst other things) it also implies that students be independent thinkers.   How can you do that without access to books and other founts of knowledge?  You appear to create a new goal and then move the goal posts which does not make the goal attainable.  What  if your mother doesn't buy these so called books and doesn't see books as a priority over buying food, clothes and paying urgent bills?  The libraries have these books Or it will order it from other library for you OR it will have it on line so that you can access it. A library is open so that after school kids can escape. If you go in some local libraries students have had to sit  on the floors to study. Some spend all day until closing time in libraries. Now try to convince me that libraries are not needed and that gyms are!  You say you want education for all yet behind the scenes you erode the infrastructures that you once had and benefited from. Now you try to to make it more difficult for others to follow you into knowledge.

Why doesn't the local council provide community centres? Oh I forgot those were the first to go because of the 'cut's' ! Yes I now that we are all reminded each day that the economy is under pressure and how we are 'all' suffering and having to tighten our belts. This was the rhetoric from World Wars that got people to comply.  Do we still have that mentality today?  I know that all councils are  trying to generate & replace monies that central government  striped from council budgets. But here is the thing.  When your library staff walk out on strike (a sign of protest, resistance and anger), when the council generate a million pounds in penalty notices from Coldhabour Lane alone, when regeneration in the area is in full swing and when the council have closed their own town hall for refurbishment what that says to me is that you have a choice. You have a choice on how much you squeeze local people, on how you use the local assets and what you spend the money on.

Who are the people who keep winning contracts from the local council? Why isn't there more information that is freely accessible to ordinary people? Who or what are 'Progress' (allegedly one company that appears to be more favoured to win local contracts) , What boards do our councillors sit on and do these have interests within our local area?   Are we asking the right questions? I know that I am reacting to information and articles that I have read but the real question I guess is ARE WE AWAKE?

While the local labour party might have won a small victory strategic thinker, behind the scenes, have created a tapestry of moves to create the outcome desired by those with long term plans. As some one who elected you into office I have the rights too. I voted you in on the promises that you made. I don't believe that you are representing my views. I want more social housing built  and I don't want libraries to become gyms. I am not the only voice in the wind and yet you choose to ignore mine and others voices.  I want transparency,   honesty  and creative solution thinking.   Work on making me/ us feel like our views matter.  All I know is that fear can last only for so long.  At some  point I will act for a change.  A councillors seat requires electoral votes and supporters. I believe the May 2016 elections are around the corner .  I wouldn't get too comfortable if I were you because if  past promises are anything to go on there may be some new councillors coming out the wood work. A new momentum is needed.  More honest politicians and representatives are required who are not afraid say what is needed , whether popular or not, and who has supporters that believe they are trying their best.  If that is naive then so be it but I prefer to be hopeful.

(Apologies for any typos I just needed to get this out)


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