Are you awake?
I was going to write an in-depth article on something that had been revealed to me. Act like a investigative journalist then I realised two things 1) I was procrastinating and 2) I am not a reporter I'm a concerned parent. So last week I heard how the Lambeth borough council had been challenged about its plans to close libraries in the area. Libraries that are being used. Young people and people of all ages in the borough need a place with resources and books. To study, access information and use as a hub. What had been focused upon was the apparent lack of consultation that appeared not to have taken place yet it was alleged the council had already given the nod to change these library buildings into gyms and signed , or promised to sign, the building over with a 25 year leases! Those at this meeting did not vote to support the councils plans. So as you can imagine that fact that this was defeated in this meeting was not a good ...