That job was made redundant. Not me!
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I remember having to coach myself into reminding myself to understand that the post had been made redundant. The post was redundant not me. If I continued to say that I was redundant I think I might have become even more depressed and unable to function. Looking back I can see that I felt deflated, lacked confidence and didn't know what I wanted to do anymore. I had lost my passion for teaching, managing people and resources. I had lost faith in the profession, educational institutions and really in my own abilities. No matter how other kept saying to me .."you got skills". The reality for me was that I was the one who had to believe it. My friends weren't going into the interviews for the jobs and having to sell themselves, they were not having to sign on for assistance while they tried to get themselves out of the so called funk they were in. They didn't have a partner and children to face, Well at least not mine.
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This is the time when it seems easy to turn to. You know that feeling when you can turn to anything? I mean anything: drink, drugs, sex, food or whatever. Just something to dull the pain of rejection because no one can tell you any differently.
When I felt like a headless chicken, and turned to my partner for his support all I heard was 'I will see what I can do". Unfortunately I needed to hear him say I believe in you. You may feel down for now but lean on my shoulders. I will hold you for as long as you need me to hold you.You don't have to go through this alone. I guess if I had heard him say this to me we might have still been together. Who knows.
The mantra ' the post was made redundant ' helped me to remember that I was still ok. That things would get better for me and that I was still alive. I just needed some time to focus on what I really wanted. I needed to give back to me. How long that would take scared me a little. When you have responsibilities all you can think of doing is jumping into that next post to provide. At first redundancy money looks pretty until you think this may be the last lump sum you will ever see in your lifetime! The desire to spend it like a 'winner ' is always there but for me I had to think of a safety net for those days I might find it hard to make ends meet.
It felt a little frustrating to find out that this nest egg, so to speak, prevents you from accessing any help/ support. It felt really hard because during this time I also became a single parent. It's suffice to say I had to use this money to survive whilst figuring out what I was going to do. People became objects to avoid because the question was always there.... "what are you going to do?". How can you answer that when you feel your world becoming fragmented moment by moment? There will always be hurdles and the test is how you face them. Some people will say get off your ass and don't rely on anyone for help! All I can say is that when you are in a fragile state of mind this type of advice doesn't help. When you are feeling weary and alone this advice is counterproductive to say the least.
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Healing comes from recognise that you are trying to deal with it on your own. Trying to face whatever it is alone is like trying to walk in gooey treacle. Giving yourself permission to put things in place to help you is really what you have to do. That's advice I was given. It's advice I acted upon. It's advice that helped to save me. I was surprised to find that when I took the first step to reach out that company was right beside me waiting to hear the words "I need a little help". To this day help is still here.
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