Exam Season: a parent perspective

freeimage.com I start by saying that I know that ‘Exam season’ is really for those who are actually taking exams but as this is my first time as a parent of a child taking their GCSE’s. I think I am experiencing some kind of ‘hell’ and I’m sure other parents are feeling the strain too. So for us it is our ‘exam season’. I’m in ‘hell!’ Well I think I’m in ‘hell'. I mean if ‘hell’ is walking on egg shells in the heat of the mid day sun then I’m there! I knew it was coming but knowing and being prepared are millions of miles apart from each other. Aren’t they? May and June are the suffering months and I’m bang in the middle of it all. Every day, in some form or another, I feel like I’m in a realm of uncertainty. I’ve got to check myself ‘cause it seems that I am operating in the twilight zone. Somethings feels like reality and all too swiftly things change and I realise that I have been fooled. Just when I thought it was alright o...