Coward or Courageous? I think that the answer to this question is simple. Don't you? I mean we are all cowards to a certain extent. I was recently challenged by someone, that I just met who stated that I was a coward because I didn’t want to engage with him. The truth is yes I was a coward. When you come to me with drama why the hell would I want to engage in that? Would you? Oh I hear some of you say that it depends on the drama and I guess you’re right. Some drama help you to grow. Granted. But after the year I have had i just don't want another drama to add to the pile. Am I a coward for wanting an easier start to my year? No because I know that we still have x amount of days to the year ahead and some dramas I wont be able to avoid whilst others I can. So if I choose not to face this particular matter am I really being a coward or am I being wise? I don't know but one thing I do know is that my motto “not today’ has started. If I can avo...