Is my child really an adult at 12? Can't book a blasted holiday. You know I really don't have a funny story to tell or jokes to relay the fact that I am hacked off that when it suits people my children, aged 12 and 14, are considered adults. Then in the next breath, when it suits them again, they're no longer adults but children. I am talking specifically about airlines and some holiday companies. Every website that I search on wants to know how old my children will be on their return journey home. What difference does that make? When I book the holiday is the key isn't it? How old they are when I book or, at best, when we begin our travel should be the focus but it's not. Anyway for them to make money! I guess I should look on the bright side. That being a single parent my 14 year old will entitle me to a 2 adults and 1 child deal, when they deem my 12 year old is still a child, which should result in some kind of discount. Really? That is short lived espeically when you get to the hote...