Schools: Should we pay for extra tutoring for our children?

I guess you always experiment on the first child because you are learning the ropes. Sometimes we can make a big mistake thinking that one size fits all. I have two children both of whom are different. Thank God! When my first child was at primary school she couldn't understand maths. Or should I say she was finding it challenging. I spoke to her teacher to see if there was anything that I could do to help. The response was that she would grow into it and to give her time and see. So I gave it time and each parent consultation I walked away feeling that I was not helping my child. Each time she had homework I found I was more and more frustrated with her. I used to yell at her for not doing the work and when she gave me dumb answers I used to go ballistic. screamin by ralaenin Yeah I know not a good look but I know you have been there. I had timetable posters plastered on all the walls in her room. More posters to help her than I had art work hanging ...