Killing me softly: Maun Valley Citizens UK

If you has asked me ......"what do you have in common with a man who's been homeless for 30 years? My response would have been ..."Not a ting". What is different today is that I met 'Jay'.* What's different is that I had a personal conversation with 'Jay'. We didn't speak about the weather which British people so often do when trying to make conversation. Usually we start with the trivial and sometimes stay with the trivial and move on really missing the opportunity to connect. What's different is that I heard some of his story and it changed me. I don't think he knew that he was killing me softly with his words. I was at a CitizensUK action inside a school building along with others. We were there to learn about action in practise and give support to a small group seeking to find a solution to a bigger issue within their community. The event was thought provoking as we heard stories from oth...