The Party/Rave isn't the same

Rooftop: we arrived So a friend and I went to a rooftop party in the neighbourhood around July. This was the second time that I had attempted to go to this event. I was glad that this time I had made it and had some good company. You know good company is priceless because even if the party is rubbish you can still have a good time chatting, laughing and dancing to whatever music they manage to play that gets your feet moving. Music promised to be 'tight' , in other words good, and I was wearing flats (a bonus). I was ready to throw down. The days of dancing in heels is over for me. Sad but true. Anyway had free ticket, had to get in there by a specific time and was raring to get into the party spirit. Whilst I'm not fussed about paying I think that I have reached that point now where I really want to access some good stuff for free. I mean for the years of contributing and paying I am due some freeness and good free events at that ! ...