Parents - Are schools using behaviour as a scapegoat to fail our children? It's the beginning of a new academic year. While we all will react differently to that news we share a common theme. It's called distress. Now my distress level and yours are going to be at different levels but distressed we will be. Managing it will be the key. My mother said there are many ways to skin a cat and the same is true of how you deal with distress. Some parents will be feel anxious as their children start school for the first time or move from primary to secondary school Some parents exhale a huge sigh of relief thankful that they no longer have to provide activities for them to do to fill their day nor empty their purse/wallet to keep them entertained. I think i would have to say that I'm glad my purse is shut but as one door closes another will open. Some parents will be stuffing huge levels of distress at the ...