
Showing posts from March, 2015

From Ferguson to London: Black Lives Matter

The other night I went to listen to Diane Abbott MP deliver a Redmond O'Neill Memorial Lecture: From Ferguson to London Black Lives Matter. Ms Abbott gave a good lecture. She historically contextualized the psyche that has implicitly linked Black people to the concept that we are somehow inhumane. This false conceptualisation has encouraged some white people to view black people as 'animals' and as such has allows black people to be treated and perceived as animals therefore never having to refer to our humanity (crudely stated but you get my meaning). Whilst listening I wondered how could we move forward from this current place. I mean what could I expect in a half hour lecture? Yes unity and solidarity in numbers against injustice is a good tactic. Unite with others who suffer this same stigma gives us common ground to fight against state oppression. But how can we expect to change the state and its way of dealing with diversity and those who are different?   (Mm...

To vote: Yes or no?

 I have been struggling with what I feel has been a real dilemma for me. The question has been should I vote  and if I vote who should I vote for? Last night my friend took me to see a film called   SELMA ( highly recommend). Within the first few minutes I was hit in the head, and my heart, over my so called "struggle".   What planet have I been on?  How dare I insult the sacrifices made for me so that I can sit here pondering whether I should vote or not!  I don't have the right to ponder. Vote I must. Whilst the whole film resonated loudly impacting upon my mind, body and spirit there was one line that hit home. Now I am not quoting the exact words but it said something like...... our ancestor’s blood pumps through our veins and so we are ready........ How could I really have thought it was not worth voting this year? My struggles/ dilemmas around voting have been internal and personal. I...